ActionAid’s work in the UK

We fundraise to help transform lives around the world
In 2016, almost 140,000 committed supporters in the UK helped to make life-saving change by donation to our work with a regular or cash donation.
We have thousands of amazing supporters, but we need more every day. You can get involved by running, cycling, trekking or volunteering on trips overseas. If bake sales and karaoke are more up your street our Community and Events team is always on hand with practical tips to raise money.
48-year-old Gete Haile is Chair of an ActionAid-supported women's cooperative in Ethiopia
Greg Funnell/ActionAid

10-year-old Ly and her mother sitting inside their home in Cambodia
Savann Oeurm/ActionAid
We help entire communities through child sponsorship
ActionAid was one of the first UK charities to offer child sponsorship in 1972, and the benefits of sponsoring a child are still astonishing. It’s an amazing way to bring lasting change to the life of a child, and their community.
As a child’s unique sponsor, you build a personal connection with them and get an insight into their life. Your gift helps the wider community too – for example, paying for business training to help mums earn a living, or paying school fees for children.
As ActionAid sponsor Richard Jordan says, ‘It’s amazing to see what a difference such a small amount of money a month can make to a whole community.’

We take action for long-term change
We are committed to campaigning, keeping up the pressure on governments and corporations to tackle the unequal systems and unfair policies that keep people poor. - especially women and girls, who are often the most affected. We are louder and stronger with our supporters' voices, and we don’t give up until we get results.
Campaigns are devised with our grassroots campaigners all over the world, and grounded in policy and research created by experts in ActionAid country programmes, partner networks and the UK. Our campaigns might focus on tax dodging, or violence against women, or fighting for safe havens for women and girls across the world.
And our voices get heard. An ActionAid UK investigation into the use of tax loopholes by Associated British Foods Foods (owner of Primark, Twinings, Pataks) showed how the giant corporation was dodging taxes in Zambia through the abuse of an outdated tax treaty – taxes which could be spent improving local schools and hospitals. Following this successful campaign, the tax loophole is now being closed.
We campaign to make sure that people like the children in this health centre in Zambia don't miss out on essential healthcare because of tax dodging
Jason Larkin/Panos Pictures/ActionAid

We promote rights and resources in UK schools
We know that education is the key that unlocks the future for girls - wherever they are in the world.
ActionAid engages with more than 20,000 teachers in the UK through education resources and services, including lesson plans, assemblies and videos. We help pupils learn about complex global issues by placing the rights and real life experiences of children living in the developing world at the heart of our classroom materials.
“ActionAid resources are much more personal. The children really get a feeling of what life is like for different people in different countries, highlighting our similarities as well as our differences.”
UK primary school teacher
Children studying at St Mary Magdalene Academy enjoy ActionAid’s Chembakolli workshop
Amy Scaife/ActionAid
Top image: ActionAid UK CEO Girish Menon takes part in the Refugee Solidarity March in Central London with other ActionAid staff and supporters in September 2015. Monia Antonioli/ActionAid
Page updated 15 January 2021