Matilde, a local midwife at their local clinic in Guatemala.

Leaving a gift in your Will

By leaving a gift to ActionAid in your Will, you can take action for girls and women for years to come.

You can empower the next generation to create the future they want - for themselves, their families and their communities.

By enabling girls like Diana and Emily to access education and learn about their rights, your legacy can be their future.

Writing or updating a Will is simple – and even free – to do. Find out everything you need to know. 

You can also email our dedicated Legacies team at

How your gift can help future generations of women and girls

Matilde, a local midwife in Manguito, Guatemala, conducts prenatal check-ups for Maria, a 22-year-old who is five months into her pregnancy.

Matilde, one of three midwives in the community, began her training at 13 years of age and has delivered over 100 babies.

She cherishes her role in assisting women and credits ActionAid's support for establishing a local health unit. This unit allows expectant mothers to receive essential care conveniently, reducing the need for long trips to distant medical centres like El Estor.

Contact Us

Get in touch if you have any further questions about including a gift in your Will. You can email us at or call our Supporter Contact line on 01460 238000.

Find out more

To find out more, please contact Head of Legacies & In Memory, Georgia Earl

Georgia Earl, Head of Legacies & In Memory , ActionAid)

Legacies & In Memory


Top image: Matilde a local midwife at her local clinic in Guatemala. Matilde is one of three midwives in Manguito community.  Karin Schermbrucker/ActionAid  

Page updated 21 June 2024