Team shot (L to R Lilian, Kate, Wangu, Aice, Irene. Anastatia, Joshua)of the volunteers and founder of the Wangu Kanja foundation (funded by Action Aid)

People and culture

Meet the people and learn about the culture at ActionAid UK. Many of our frontline staff and partners around the world live in the communities in the 45 countries where we work across Africa, Asia and America. We all share a commitment to our focus on working with women and girls living in poverty.

Meet our Patron

The former Prince of Wales

The former Prince of Wales has been ActionAid’s Patron since November 1995. During that time, His Royal Highness has visited several ActionAid projects in countries around the world, including Brazil, Sierra Leone and Uganda.

Top photo: Left to right: Lilian, Kate, Wangu (founder), Alice, Irene. Anastatia, Joshua are volunteers at the Wangu Kanja foundation, funded by ActionAid, which helps girls and woman affected by gender based violence and abuse in Nairobi, Kenya

Page updated 10 January 2025