Get involved

There are so many ways you can get involved with ActionAid. From fundraising to campaigning, with your support we can change the lives of the world's poorest women and girls, for good.

  • Events & fundraising

    There are loads of ways to get involved with ActionAid to help women and girls around the world. Find the event or fundraising activity for you!

  • Days we celebrate

    At ActionAid UK, we celebrate the work of the incredible women and girls who we work with across the world each and every day. Here are just some of the international days that we mark.

  • Other ways to give

    Support ActionAid through your payroll, with a corporate partnership, by joining one of our networks, leaving us a gift in your Will, or even just by playing the lottery.

  • Women and Agroecology Program in Brazil

    Philanthropy and Partnerships

    ActionAid builds long-term relationships with individuals, trusts and foundations, and companies who provide significant funding to help us end poverty.