Mina is sewing a brighter future for her family

Action Magazine

Action Magazine is your exclusive look at how women and girls around the world are changing their lives.

This edition focuses on women and girls who are leading their communities through crisis and emergencies.  

Meet Norma and Gloria from Guatemala, women on the frontline of natural disasters who are helping their village affected by flooding. Thanks to your support, women can be better equipped to assist in times of crisis.  

You can also read how – thanks to the generosity of supporters like you – we are supporting the people affected by the Gaza crisis. By working with local regional partners, we can support basic needs and provide medical assistance.  

Our work is only possible thanks to your contribution. Download the magazine to read more about the amazing women and girls who are taking the lead when disaster strikes. 

Action Magazine: Autumn 2023

Read this season's stories

Find out more about how women in Guatemala are fighting to protect domestic workers’ rights

Read how Guatemalan women are protecting domestic workers’ rights

Read how Guatemalan women are protecting domestic workers’ rights
Read how Kharunti’s business is changing her family’s future

Find out how Kharunti’s business is changing her family’s future

Find out how Kharunti’s business is changing her family’s future
See how ActionAid is joining forces with Parliamentarians to protect women’s economic rights

See how ActionAid is joining with parliamentarians for women’s rights

See how ActionAid is joining with parliamentarians for women’s rights
Read how women in Malawi are promoting access to Gender-Responsive Public Services

Read how women in Malawi are promoting access to public services

Read how women in Malawi are promoting access to public services
Read how Mina is sewing a brighter future for her family

Read how Mina is sewing a brighter future for her family

Read how Mina is sewing a brighter future for her family
Cyclone Freddy

Find out how a gift in your Will can support women and girls globally

Find out how a gift in your Will can support women and girls globally

Read this season's stories

Nimco, 21, at her home in Satiile, Somaliland is suffering from the long drought in East Africa.

Supporting communities through a food crisis in East Africa.

Supporting communities through a food crisis in East Africa.
Women and children fleeing Ukraine

How you helped women and girls fleeing the war in Ukraine

How you helped women and girls fleeing the war in Ukraine
Find out more about how People’s Postcode Lottery players are helping informal workers in Ghana fight for their rights

How People’s Postcode Lottery players are supporting workers in Ghana

How People’s Postcode Lottery players are supporting workers in Ghana

How fish farming is helping women like Momena transform their families' futures

How fish farming is helping women like Momena transform their families' futures
Legacy pledger - Jackie

Why Jackie has decided to leave a gift in her Will to ActionAid

Why Jackie has decided to leave a gift in her Will to ActionAid
137 challenge

How you can get active and raise vital funds for ActionAid

How you can get active and raise vital funds for ActionAid

Give a gift

Your gift can help women and girls living in poverty

Donation value


could provide a school kit, which includes a school bag, exercise book, pencils and a geometric set


could help towards a career counselling programme at girls’ catch-up centres


could pay for a girls’ catch-up centre teacher for one month

Or choose your own amount to give



christmas cards .


Read the previous issues of Action Magazine


Action Magazine Spring 2023

Action Magazine Spring 2023

Action Magazine Autumn 2022

Action Magazine Autumn 2022

Taposhi Rani (20) is an activist, campaigning for women to become leaders during emergencies and to become protectors of their environment.

Action Magazine Spring 2022

Action Magazine Spring 2022
Top image: Women like Mina are turning their skills into income. Credit: Angela Shrestha /ActionAid  

Page updated 4 October 2023