Media contact details

For all media enquiries, please contact the media team at or on 44(0)7753 973 486.

For press enquiries outside office hours (Monday to Friday between 09:00 and 17:00 GMT/BST), please contact the duty press number 44(0)7753 973 486 before emailing.

Contact details for each member of the AAUK media team can be found below.

Frances Leach, Head of Media 

As Head of Media at ActionAid UK, Frances plays a crucial role in driving the organisation's media strategy and amplifying its mission of the rights of women and girls across the world. Prior to joining ActionAid UK, she worked as a journalist and media professional in the INGO sector.

Charlie Ensor, Senior Media Manager 

Charlie works in the ActionAid UK press office, providing strategic media support to help the organisation's campaigns and advocacy goals. Charlie worked as a journalist and in the NGO sector before joining ActionAid UK's media team.


Isabella Cipirska, Media Manager 

Isabella works in the ActionAid UK press office, working with the media to amplify the organisation's campaigns and goals. Prior to joining ActionAid UK, she worked as a journalist and media consultant. 


Shahina Khatun, Media Officer

Shahina works in the ActionAid UK press office, working with the media to amplify the organisation's campaigns and goals. Before joining ActionAid UK, Shahina worked as a journalist across several broadcast newsrooms, covering a range of national and international stories.


Nayla Ziadeh, Media Assistant

Nayla works in the ActionAid UK press office, where she monitors media coverage, distributes media releases, and provides administrative support to amplify the organisation's campaigns and goals. Before joining ActionAid UK, she worked as a youth worker while completing her master's at University College London.


Susan Mearns, Senior Celebrity Manager

Susan Mearns leads ActionAid UK's work with celebrities and other high-profile personalities, enlisting their support and developing and maintaining strong positive relationships so that their reach and public standing can raise ActionAid's profile.

Susan worked in PR in Scotland before joining the ActionAid UK media relations team in 1995.


Top image: Susan, 38, campaigns against FGM in her community in Kongelai, Kenya. Credit: Kate Holt/ActionAid.

Page updated 18 March 2025