Feminists! Get a free ActionAid cross stitch kit

26 March 2024

Sign up now to claim your free ActionAid cross stitch kit. Together we can stitch up inequality and change the world with women and girls.

In Uganda Cossy, a survivor of violence, now works as a basket weaver, and does outreach in her community to support other survivors.

In Uganda Cossy, a survivor of violence, now works as a basket weaver, and does outreach in her community to support other survivors. Photo: Karin Schermbrucker/ActionAid

Get your ActionAid cross stitch kit here

Claim your cross stitch today, stitch up inequality and share your cross stitch with us by @actionaiduk on Instagram.

Your ActionAid cross stitch contains:

Whether you're a novice with the needle and thread, or an experienced seamstress, you don’t need any special materials or skills to enjoy your ActionAid cross stitch kit. 

  • needle and thread
  • unique ActionAid 'feminist' pattern
  • instruction booklet on how to cross-stitch

Feminism in action

Cossy is 40 years old. She's a domestic violence survivor and lives in Kampala, Uganda. Her husband started beating her when they were both diagnosed with HIV – he blamed and abused her for it. 

After her husband died, Cossy started to receive medical support and a business loan from ActionAid and our local partners.

Cossy (pictured right) weaves a basket in front of her shop in Kampala, Uganda

Cossy (right) weaves a basket in front of her shop and hair salon in Kampala, Uganda .

Esther Mbabazi / ActionAid

If ActionAid had not come, I would have died. I have been... trained to represent myself as a woman.”

By partnering with ActionAid, Cossy has built up her business. Now she runs her own hair salon. She trains other women in hairdressing skills and every Saturday she invites women to weave baskets and sell them in her shop.

Join our community of keen stitchers, and you'll be helping to show your support for women like Cossy who live in poverty around the world.

Get your ActionAid cross stitch now

Photos: Esther Mbabazi / ActionAid.