Request for proposal: Legacy Propensity Model

This proposal request is now closed.

ActionAid UK is looking to build a Legacy Propensity model to enhance supporter communication segmentation and gain insight into a warm audiences’ propensity to engage with Legacy giving.   


This request for proposal (RFP) is established on behalf of ActionAid UK to pitch for the opportunity to quote for and build a Legacy Propensity model which AAUK can continually use to identify potential legacy prospects and build targeted legacy campaigns. 


The following are some of the requirements expected from the propensity model and agency/consultant provider: 

  • Experience of developing a legacy propensity model across the charity sector 

  • Accurate and up to date compliance and data storage knowledge 

  • Relevant legislative and regulatory knowledge 

  • Willingness to work in collaboration with AAUK’s legacy and data teams, open and flexible to the needs and feedback of AAUK when developing the model 

  • Transparency on build timelines and how much ongoing support AAUK will need on the model 

  • Quantitative and qualitative metrics used in the model  

  • Can be used across all warm supporter communication types 

  • Compatible with Microsoft Dynamics 

  • Values in line with AAUK’s values and policies, including but not limited to: sustainability, feminist leadership principles and anti-racism and decolonisation.   

Process and timeline: 

Deadline to tender for this contract is 9/12/24. Submissions will be reviewed following this and shortlisted suppliers will then be invited to interview.  

You are welcome to ask questions before you submit your proposal. Please contact  


Legacy Propensity Model Request for Proposal.doc

Legacy Propensity Model Request for Proposal


AAUK-Supplier Questionnaire with Terms.docx

AAUK-Supplier Questionnaire with Terms

Supplier Code of Conduct.pdf

Supplier Code of Conduct

Pricing Template_AAUK Propensity Model Tender.docx

Pricing Template_AAUK Propensity Model Tender

Closing date: 9 December 2024