ActionAid UK launches emergency fundraising appeal for Lebanon crisis

1 October 2024

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In response to Lebanon's severe humanitarian crisis, ActionAid UK has launched an urgent fundraising appeal.

In response to the severe, unfolding humanitarian emergency in Lebanon, ActionAid UK has launched an emergency fundraising appeal.

Hannah Bond, Co-CEO at ActionAid UK, said: "In response to the relentless and devastating attacks across Lebanon, ActionAid UK has launched an urgent appeal, calling for immediate and substantial support to address the rapidly worsening humanitarian crisis. The continuous bombardment has plunged families into severe distress, overwhelmed hospitals, and forced schools to become overcrowded shelters amid mass displacement from the south. Syrian refugees in Lebanon are now facing a deadly choice: sleep on the streets or return to a country already gripped by a humanitarian catastrophe, further exacerbating their suffering.

We stand in solidarity with the people of Lebanon, particularly with women and girls, Syrian and Palestinian refugees, and Lebanese communities who are all affected by the violence. Our partners on the ground are battling to provide essential assistance amidst escalating violence but cannot tackle this immense crisis alone. The window to prevent a full-scale humanitarian emergency is closing rapidly - we urgently need your help to ensure critical, lifesaving aid reaches those in dire need. Our fundraising efforts will help our local partners in addressing and scaling up their response to the urgent needs of the hardest-hit communities. We urgently need your support now."


Sabine Abiaad, ActionAid Arab Region's Regional Campaigns Coordinator, based in Beirut, and Hannah Bond are available for interview on request. 

To contact the ActionAid UK Press Office email or call 07753 973 486. 

Appeal link: