ActionAid UK “utterly disappointed” by further UK aid cuts 

22 October 2024

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ActionAid UK “utterly disappointed” by further UK aid cuts 

Hannah Bond, co-CEO at ActionAid UK: “We are utterly disappointed by the decision to further cut the ODA budget to the bone. For a government that came to power pledging to reset its global relationships and place climate change at the core of its foreign policy, it has already shamefully failed at the first hurdle. 

With over 400,000 Palestinians under total blockade in northern Gaza, without humanitarian assistance medical supplies, or food, choosing cost-cutting over solidarity during this unimaginable crisis is both appalling and unconscionable. We know firsthand that women and girls bear the harsh impact of these ongoing crises, and after years of previous ODA budget cuts, the UK is severely undermining its professed ambitions and failing to rebuild trust with global partners. With the Autumn budget just a week away, we urge the UK Government to U-turn on this deadly decision.” 


Contact the ActionAid press office on or on 07753 973 486.  

Hannah Bond, Co-CEO at ActionAid UK, is available as a spokesperson, please contact the press office to arrange.