Gaza: response to the PM's statement

19 October 2023

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Responding to the Prime Minister's statement this morning, Dr Halima Begum, CEO of ActionAid UK, said:  

“We appreciate the Prime Minister acknowledging that every civilian death is a tragedy. But to prevent more innocent lives from being lost and escalating violence, we demand more on behalf of innocent people on all sides caught up in this spiralling catastrophe.

"Today's discussions must begin with one crucial goal: an immediate ceasefire. Only then can we establish a safe humanitarian corridor and deliver aid swiftly to those in desperate need. While the 20 trucks announced are a start, they are insufficient for a humanitarian crisis of this epic scale.

"With nearly 5,000 lives lost in Israel and Gaza, the Prime Minister must act on his commitment to uphold International Humanitarian Law by all means necessary and call for an immediate ceasefire to de-escalate the violence. Our colleagues in the region and those they support cling to hope as their last lifeline. We must ensure that hope does not slip away.” 


Contact the ActionAid press office on or on 07753 973 486.  

Dr Halima Begum, CEO of ActionAid UK is available for interviews.