Statement on the government reversal of net-zero commitments

21 September 2023

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Halima Begum, CEO ActionAid UK, says: "The UK government's sudden reversal of its net zero commitments is reckless and irresponsible. Climate action is not a political bargaining chip that can be taken on and off the table to satisfy party political squabbles, but a global imperative.

"The climate crisis is not a future event, it is happening now. People are facing flash floods, droughts, rising sea levels and irreversible damage that has already led to tragic deaths around the world this year alone.

"Climate-related disasters will not go away, they will only get worse and we know women and girls are on the brunt of these crises. The call for climate justice has never been louder and it is vital that leaders act decisively and with one voice to address this existential threat."