COP28 text offers UK a chance to phase out fossil fuels

8 December 2023

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New COP28 text offers UK a chance to genuinely phase out fossil fuels.

Zahra Hdidou, Senior Climate and Resilience Adviser at ActionAid UK, said: 

“While the UK government publicly backs the phasing out of fossil fuels at COP, its commitments aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. The promise to phase out fossil fuels while issuing a hundred new oil and gas licenses is an outrageous contradiction and one that will plunge the most marginalised communities well past the brink of climate catastrophe. 

"In backing the phase-out of only ‘unabated fossil fuels,’ the UK is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of climate-affected communities and provide cover for oil and gas companies to wreck the planet for decades to come. 

“The text today offers an opportunity to genuinely phase out all fossil fuels in line with the Paris agreement – a moment the UK should seize with both hands.” 


Contact the ActionAid UK press office on or on Signal on +447804494771. You can also call him on 05283228048 locally. 

Zahra Hdidou, Senior Climate and Resilience Adviser at ActionAid UK, is in Dubai for the summit for both weeks and available for comment on request. Please contact the press office to arrange.