Our response to the UK Government’s new Women and Girls Strategy

8 March 2023

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We welcome the UK Government’s new Women and Girls Strategy, but it can’t alone undo the two years of devastating cuts to the ODA budget, with women and girls in the Global South bearing most of the brunt.

Hannah Bond, Deputy Director of Advocacy at ActionAid UK, said:

“We welcome the Government’s long overdue Women and Girls Strategy and especially its commitments towards supporting women’s rights organisations in the Global South. In particular, the Government’s Fund for women’s rights organisations has the potential to make a significant difference to women and girls’ rights. Coming amidst swingeing and continuing cuts to the UK’s ODA budget, this Fund provides much-needed support.  But while this announcement is welcome it can’t alone undo the two years of devastating cuts to the ODA budget, with women and girls in the Global South bearing most of the brunt.

“Right now, women-led responses are helping communities to respond to the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria and adapt to the worst climate crisis on record to hit the Horn of Africa. And as gender inequality worsens in both settings, the Government must ensure that its strategy delivers sustained funding and genuine partnership for women and girls on the frontline of the world’s most protracted crises.

“While the Fund fills some of the gaps created by the ODA cuts, former Prime Minister Liz Truss made a clear promise to reinstate previously cut funding for gender equality. This promise must be kept if the bold aims in the Women and Girls strategy are to be met.


To contact the ActionAid UK Press Office uk.media@actionaid.org or on 07753 973 486.