Northern Gaza is being erased – global leaders must act now

15 October 2024

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Northern Gaza is being erased – global leaders must act now to end Israel’s atrocities

The Israeli forces’ assault on Gaza has escalated to a horrifying level of atrocity. Northern Gaza is being wiped off the map. Under the guise of “evacuation,” Israeli forces have ordered the forced displacement of an estimated 400,000 Palestinians trapped in northern Gaza, including Gaza City. This is not an evacuation—this is forced displacement under gunfire. Since 1 October, no food has been allowed into the area, and civilians are being starved and bombed in their homes and their tents. 

Hospitals, already overwhelmed, are being ordered to evacuate. They are running out of fuel and essential supplies, while doctors and nurses battle to save lives with what little they have left. The wounded flood in - children, older people, victims of Israeli airstrikes - but with no resources to treat them. 

Dr. Mohammed Salha, acting director of Al-Awda Hospital in northern Gaza, described the dire situation: “The Israeli military has contacted us more than once to evacuate the hospital… [All] the departments are full of wounded people and we are discharging even the wounded who have minor or moderate injuries, because we do not have [enough] beds for them. I [told the Israeli military] clearly that we would not evacuate the hospital unless there are ambulances that can preserve the lives of the wounded people we have and reach another hospital that provides better service to the wounded.” 

The world cannot continue to stand by as the Israeli government commits these atrocities. Global leaders have both a legal and moral duty to act now. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article II of the Genocide Convention including “killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; and imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group”. There is no evidence that Israel has adhered to these orders, and the killing of Palestinians has only intensified. 

Any attempt to alter the territorial integrity of Gaza constitutes a blatant violation of international law. This is especially egregious in light of the recent ICJ advisory opinion, which significantly heightens the obligation of third states to take decisive action. Failure to do so risks their complicity in perpetuating the illegal occupation.   

All parties must allow unimpeded access for humanitarian organisations to deliver aid based on need, without restricting types, volumes, or locations. Aid delivery must remain impartial and independent of military objectives to prevent its instrumentalisation or politicisation. Civilians must not be forced to flee to receive aid; those choosing to stay in their homes must be protected under international law. 

We demand an immediate ceasefire and an end to Israel’s illegal occupation. Global leaders must act in line with the UN General Assembly Resolution on the ICJ Advisory Opinion and fulfill their obligation not to facilitate or support Israel’s illegal occupation. Third states must halt now the transfer of all weapons, parts, and ammunition that could be used to commit further violations of international humanitarian law. 

This is not a time for silence - this is a time for action. The people of Gaza cannot wait. The world must intervene now before more innocent lives are lost. 


  • ActionAid 

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  • Afri (Action from Ireland) 

  • Amos Trust 

  • Bloody Sunday Trust 

  • Centre for Global Education 

  • CESVI 

  • Children Not Numbers 

  • Christian Aid 

  • Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) 

  • Comhlamh Justice for Palestine 

  • Council for Arab-British Understanding (Caabu) 

  • Embrace the Middle East 

  • Feminist Humanitarian Network (FHN) 

  • Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS) 

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  • HelpAge International 

  • Interpal 

  • Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign 

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  • KinderUSA 

  • Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) 

  • Médecins du Monde Spain 

  • Middle East Children's Alliance 

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  • Novact Institute for Nonviolence 

  • Oxfam 

  • Plan International Jordan 

  • Sabeel-Kairos UK 

  • Sadaka-The Ireland Palestine Alliance 

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