Our response as parliament votes through Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill

23 January 2024

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Our response to parliament’s decision to vote through the Prime Minister’s oil and gas bill.

Reacting to parliament’s decision to vote through the Prime Minister’s oil and gas bill, Zahra Hdidou, Senior Climate and Resilience Advisor at ActionAid UK, said:

“After the warmest year on record, it's deeply alarming to see parliament stare climate destruction squarely in the face and double down on new oil and gas exploration. With the UK’s consumption of fossil fuels falling to the lowest on record in more than half a century, now is not the time to take our foot off the pedal and send progress on climate change into reverse. 

“Although parliament has had its say, we are urging the Prime Minister that it’s not too late to do an about-turn and to put an end to this disastrous policy.”