Alarm as UK presses ahead with arms sales to Israel

9 April 2024

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ActionAid "alarmed" to see UK press ahead with arms sales to Israel despite potential humanitarian law violations.

Responding to the breaking news from David Cameron that UK will continue exporting arms to Israel despite potential humanitarian law violations,  Julia Rosell Jackson, senior humanitarian advocacy adviser at ActionAid UK, said:

"We are deeply alarmed to see David Cameron press ahead with arms sales to Israel that could be in flagrant disregard to international humanitarian law. It's deeply disappointing that he has decided to continue providing arms to Israel for a conflict which is disproportionately killing women and children. 

"Earlier today, the Foreign Secretary claimed that the UK is being 'transparent' over its arms sales to Israel, but in truth we're left none the wiser. With the UK potentially complicit in selling arms that killed aid workers last week in Gaza and the majority of the British public supportive of an arms embargo,  we urge him to come clean and publish the legal advice the Foreign Office received on its arms sales to Israel." 

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