Reaction: escalation in violence on the Israel-Gaza border

8 October 2023

ActionAid Media Centre

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ActionAid is deeply concerned by the escalation of violence along the Israel-Gaza border.

Responding to escalating violence on the Israel-Gaza border, ActionAid Palestine Country Director, Nadim Zaghloul, said:

"ActionAid is deeply concerned by the escalation of violence along the Israel-Gaza border. The escalating situation highlights the international community's failure to address the extended occupation and the Gaza blockade, emphasizing the urgent need for a lasting solution as per the UN resolutions.” 

"We stand in solidarity with innocent civilians whose lives have been torn apart, and with our colleagues who are living in fear and under curfew as a result.”

"Our priority is to ensure the safety of our colleagues working in Gaza and we are monitoring the humanitarian situation closely alongside our local partners. We of course stand ready to support communities affected by the violence.”

ActionAid is calling on all parties to immediately cease all military offensives against civilians and for the international community to support a return to constructive peace talks, as this represents the most effective means to protect human rights in both Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel. 

Notes to editor

Contact the ActionAid press office on or on 07753 973 486.

Spokespeople available:

  • Nadim Zaghloul is Country Director of ActionAid Palestine, currently in the West Bank.
  • Wisam Schweiki is Head of Programmes at ActionAid Palestine, currently in the West Bank.