Emergency Gaza Crisis Appeal launch

13 October 2023

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In response to the growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, ActionAid UK has today launched an emergency fundraising appeal.


Dr Halima Begum, CEO of ActionAid UK said:

"Gaza remains under effective blockade. It will cause an unimaginable humanitarian disaster to direct 1.1 million people—half the Gaza population—to relocate from the north to the south during an active military conflict to avoid the consequences of a potential ground war.

"Put simply, with the ongoing destruction of infrastructure to support water, power, medical, and food supplies across the Strip, ActionAid UK considers it impossible for such an evacuation to happen without disastrous consequences.

"As a humanitarian organisation with a particular focus on women and girls, we urge the parties to consider in particular the plight of pregnant women and terrified, vulnerable children at risk of separation from their parents amid the chaos and confusion of this escalating conflict.

"In the strongest possible terms, we therefore urge the UK government to work with the Israeli government to take all necessary steps to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza."

In the occupied Palestinian territory, with a specific focus on Gaza, ActionAid works hand in hand with our Palestinian partners. We work throughout the Gaza Strip: from Rafah and Khan Younis in the south, to Deir Al Balah, Al Bureij and An Nuseirat in the Middle Area, to Gaza City and the wider Gaza area, to Jabalia, Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahiya in the north.

Begum continued: "Today, while simultaneously calling for a ceasefire and the creation of humanitarian corridors, ActionAid UK is launching its Gaza Crisis Appeal. Acknowledging the cost-of-living crisis, we call on the kindness of the British public and ask for its support as we raise funds to support the victims of this growing disaster."

Through our partnerships with local organisations, we provide essential support and protection to the most marginalised segments of the population, with a particular emphasis on women and children facing the harsh realities of violence and rights violations.


Dr Halima Begum, Chief Executive Officer at ActionAid UK, is available for interview on request.

To contact the ActionAid UK Press Office email uk.media@actionaid.org or call 07753 973 486.

Appeal link: https://www.actionaid.org.uk/donate/emergency/gaza-crisis-2023

On background:

Since 2007, people in Gaza have been living under a blockade, meaning people and goods are prevented from freely entering and leaving Gaza by land, sea, or air. This severely limits basic necessities like food, medicine, and building materials from getting into Gaza.

The blockade makes life near impossible for 2.2 million people living there.  Most people have little or no access to essential resources such as electricity, water, and sewage removal. Half the population of Gaza is children. Many have experienced conflict for a large part of their life, with three previous wars, and are battling with severe trauma and emotional distress. 800,000 of Gaza’s children have never known a life without the blockade or experienced a normal childhood. And their education has been affected too: almost 250 schools were damaged in the latest war in 2021.

The blockade, repeated escalations, wars and increasing poverty has had a devastating impact on Gaza’s economy. Almost 50% of people in Gaza are unemployed, giving Gaza the highest unemployment rate in the world. Within this context, our partners provide a range of services including a one stop centre for women and girls who have survived gender-based violence, support for women to develop small businesses; counselling services for children; alongside essential humanitarian assistance, including food, shelter, medicine, and dignity kits.

About ActionAid 


ActionAid is an international charity that works with women and girls living in poverty. Our dedicated local staff are changing the world with women and girls. We are ending violence and fighting poverty so that all women, everywhere, can create the future they want.