ActionAid's CEO, Halima Begum, responding to the Labour Party's statement

25 October 2023

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"As we are aware, fuel aid in particular is critically needed in Gaza hospitals, so we appreciate the Labour Party's recent statement, which acknowledges the urgent need for humanitarian relief in Gaza.

"While this is a positive step and it is good to see both the government and opposition's shift on this, we believe that a comprehensive solution must prioritise a ceasefire in order to achieve long-term peace and stability in the region; a pause on its own only prolongs the suffering. 

Replenishing stocks of medicines for another night of continuous bombing is not a sustainable source of support for the Palestinian people. A lasting solution requires addressing the long-term causes of violence as well as the pressing humanitarian crisis. Every moment we delay in reaching a ceasefire means more innocent lives hanging in the balance, and the longer the violence rages on, the more civilian casualties we'll tragically witness."