Oxfam GB appoints Halima Begum as next CEO

7 December 2023

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Oxfam GB appoints Halima Begum, current CEO of ActionAid UK, as next Chief Executive.

Halima Begum will be the next chief executive of Oxfam GB, the organisation announced today. She will take over from Danny Sriskandarajah, who steps down later this month, next year. 

Rajiv Vyas, ActionAid UK Acting Chair of Trustees, said: "ActionAid UK bids a very fond farewell to our widely respected CEO Dr Halima Begum, who is set to embark on a new chapter of her career as CEO of Oxfam GB. Halima's time at ActionAid UK has been marked by the empathy of her leadership and a passionate belief in our mission of decolonization and anti-racism, as well as ActionAid’s ever vital work in humanitarian emergencies including the ongoing Gaza crisis.  

Her support for ActionAid’s women of colour cannot be overstated, coming as it has at such a critical time for the organisation. Halima will continue to lead in this area during her remaining time with the organisation. We recognise that Halima’s departure is solely due to her decision to accept an opportunity with Oxfam that means so much to her, and this decision has our full support. Otherwise, Halima would have continued to lead ActionAid UK with the same empathy and commitment she has shown since joining the organisation.  

Her colleagues at ActionAid UK look forward to working alongside Halima in the sector for many years to come. We wish her every success at Oxfam and thank her for the remarkable work she has done for the entire ActionAid federation." 

While we will miss her presence and vision greatly, Halima leaves us with our sincere gratitude and an abiding recognition of the tremendously positive impact her leadership has made on all of us at ActionAid.  

Halima Begum, ActionAid UK CEO said: “I am excited to be joining Oxfam - an organisation that pushes for change to overcome poverty and inequalities around the world while being part of the fabric of the British high street.  

“At a time when the world is beset by conflict and climate change, inequality and division, Oxfam has crucial role in supporting communities’ efforts to escape poverty and ensuring that their voices cannot be ignored by those who hold power. 

Oxfam and ActionAid UK share the same ambitions to shift power and reform the development sector, so this is a natural next step for me. As I transition to my new role at Oxfam, I carry with me the invaluable experiences and lessons learned during my tenure at ActionAid UK, from our humanitarian work in Gaza, our ongoing work on anti-racism and decolonisation and our unwavering commitment to the rights of women and girls around the world. 

I want to express my sincere appreciation for the understanding and encouragement extended to me during this move. ActionAid will always hold a special place in my heart, and I am confident that the organisation will continue to thrive under its capable leadership. 

I am looking forward to taking up the Oxfam baton from Danny, ensuring our work fighting poverty and responding to humanitarian emergencies is truly safe, feminist and anti-racist and that it is led by the communities with which we work.”  

Further information:  

Frances Leach, ActionAid UK: 07761386244/frances.leach@actionaid.org.uk