Response to the draft Global Goal text

10 December 2023

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Our response to the draft Global Goal for Adaptation text.

Zahra Hdidou, Senior Climate and Resilience Adviser at ActionAid UK, said:

“While this year’s COP summit has produced groundbreaking pledges for loss and damage, climate adaptation has rapidly become the ghost at the banquet table. Given the losses and damages caused by climate change will worsen with each passing year without adequate adaptation financing, it’s frustrating not to see a stronger focus on it in Dubai.  

“The new draft text on the Global Goal for Adaptation is disappointing, but with room for improvement. It still has only soft language that politely encourages big historic polluters like the UK to play their part but doesn’t go far enough in actually requiring them to provide the finance needed to make the goal a reality on the ground. The UK still has the fourth highest carbon emissions in the world – it has an historic responsibility to provide finance to help countries adapt to climate disasters.   

“The UK government has been a strong ally on adaptation and has a key role to play in ensuring that the finalised text goes further than what we have on the table. But without the rapid scaling up of finance, women and communities most affected by the climate crisis will be left even further behind.” 


Contact the ActionAid UK press office on or on 07753 973 486. 

Zahra Hdidou, Senior Climate and Resilience Adviser at ActionAid UK, is in Dubai for the summit for both weeks and available for comment on request. Please contact the press office to arrange.