Doreen, originally from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is a community leader in Imvepi Refugee Settlement, Uganda.

When war broke out in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) — Doreen lost her husband and everything she held dear.  

Fearing for her own life and the safety of her four children, she had no choice but to flee her home for a refugee camp in Uganda. 

Leaving behind her house, a job, steady income and a community she loved, Doreen walked all the way from the DRC to Uganda, on foot, for nine months, navigating extremely dangerous conditions. 

Along the way, Doreen met many children who had been orphaned by the war in DRC. In desperate need of help she took them in growing her family to 13.

Her journey to safety in Uganda was harrowing.

“It was very terrible, what I saw during that journey...and I can’t forget about it.” 

On reaching the Imvepi refugee settlement in Uganda, Doreen found herself faced with further challenges to overcome - from lack of shelter to food shortages.

“We had no clothes, we had no food in our store, we even had no money,” Doreen recalled. 

But Doreen didn't give up. At the camp, she discovered ActionAid’s partner, a local, women-led organisation called Community Transformation Agenda (COTA), who helped her rent a small patch of land, where she now grows crops to feed her family or to sell.  

They also helped her speak up for her rights and step up as a community leader. 

Today, Doreen is a leader at Imvepi Refugee Settlement. Despite all she has endured, Doreen remains focused on promoting women’s rights, helps tackle violence against women, and fosters unity within her community.

 “The changes I am fighting for... are not just for refugees, but for the betterment of the country we are in.”

Your support has the power to transform lives. By donating today, you can provide women like Doreen with the resources and training they need to not only rebuild their lives, but to rise as leaders in their communities.   

In places like Gaza, DRC, Myanmar, Sudan, Syria and Lebanon, refugees are healing, working, learning and thriving.  Donate to our appeal today and stand with women on a journey to rebuild their lives. 

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From surviving to thriving: Doreen’s story    

“The changes I am fighting for... are not just for refugees, but for the betterment of the country we are in,” says 28-year-old Doreen. 

When war broke out in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) - Doreen fled to Uganda by foot. It took her nine months to reach safety. 

But when she reached the Imvepi refugee settlement in Uganda she was faced with further challenges - from lack of shelter to food shortages. But Doreen didn’t give up.  

At the camp, she discovered ActionAid’s partner, Community Transformation Agenda (COTA) which works with refugee and local communities to teach livelihood skills but also trains women in leadership roles so they can speak out against sexual violence and discrimination. 

As a result of COTA’s work, Doreen found new confidence in herself. 

“I’m the kind of person who can learn to cope with any situation,” says Doreen.

She quickly learned how to farm a patch of land to feed her family, and was voted in as the chairperson of a local refugee welfare council. 

Despite all she has endured, Doreen is creating lasting change for other refugee women and girls in the area.

"If a woman stands and speaks on behalf of others, at least she is in a position to put issues concerning women on the table, so that they discuss them and have it bear fruit."

About ActionAid

ActionAid is an international charity that works with women and girls living in poverty.

Our dedicated local staff are changing the world with women and girls. We are ending violence and fighting poverty so that all women, everywhere, can create the future they want.

We operate in rural and urban communities across Asia, Africa and Latin America.

We're committed to ending the cycle of violence in communities around the world, enabling women's economic empowerment, and supporting women's and girls' rights during humanitarian crises.

Your donation

Our work with refugees is just one aspect of what we do at ActionAid. 

Your donation will be spent wherever it is needed most. 

All gifts received will go towards our work supporting women and girls leading change across the world. 

Doreen, originally from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is a community leader at Imvepi Refugee Settlement in Uganda. Immaculate Bashaba /ActionAid

Page updated 6 January 2025