ActionAid UK is preparing for how this Covid-19 outbreak will affect our life-changing work with women and girls living in poverty.
We are constantly reviewing our working patterns and the events we engage with, in line with best practice as outlined by Public Health England. Following UK government advice, the vast majority of staff are now working from home and we have suspended all non-critical international travel until further notice to reduce travel-related risk for our staff, local partners and the communities we work with overseas. We have developed business contingency plans and also taken measures to ensure our remote working solutions are robust and fit for purpose, so that our vital work with women and girls can continue with minimal disruption.
Our top priorities now are ensuring the wellbeing of our staff and suppliers and maintaining our commitment to the development and humanitarian programmes we support around the world. People in poorer countries, where health systems are less robust than our own, are even more at risk from this global pandemic and therefore need our support more than ever.
Over the next few months, we will be working to ensure we can support those who will be most vulnerable to this virus and can continue changing the world with women and girls.