Our local initiatives
Community Based Anti-Violence Teams
COMBAT squads are community groups trained by ActionAid to recognise, prevent and report all forms of violence against women and girls, including abduction, child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM).
Each team is made up of a cross section of the community and are actively engaged in those communities by presenting talks at schools, identifying issues and working with the police to bring perpetrators to justice.
Community seed banks
ActionAid provides seed banks for useful crops to those in need to ensure food security. For example, in many parts of the world where crops have failed due to rising temperatures and erratic rainfall, ActionAid works closely with the agricultural communities to provide them with climate-resilient crop seeds so families can eat and maintain a livelihood.
Girls' clubs
These take the shape of clubs and forums especially at schools or in the community where girls can learn about their rights, and debate the issues affecting their lives. The purpose of these clubs is to help local girls identify issues that affect them - from period poverty to violence, encourage them to lead on solutions and gain confidence in the process.
Reflect circles
Reflect circles are spaces where women feel comfortable to meet and discuss issues relevant to them and their lives. These groups harness the participatory power of women to influence the decisions that affect their lives, thus helping build their agency.
Participants follow a cycle of reflection and action, which involves:
Understanding the context of the problem
Identifying and prioritising an issue to address
Planning the actions to respond to the issue
Monitoring and evaluation of the process
At each stage, a variety of engagement tools are used to support analysis and planning. In some cases, these groups also teach literacy, numeracy and language skills so that every woman can participate fully.
School management committees
A group including children, parents and teachers that get together to help improve local schools. The committee looks at the quality of education provided and tracks government money to make sure it is spent properly.
Women's cooperatives
A self-reliant group of women who are given a small loan to build a business, which they put money back into over a period of time. The businesses can range from potato growing to basket weaving with everyone sharing the profits between them. ActionAid provides support and training in business skills so the women can make the most of their business model.
Women's safe spaces
After an emergency, ActionAid sets up safe spaces - be it a tent at a refugee camp or a room based in a local community - where women can congregate privately to access medical help, breastfeed their babies, receive hygiene kits and access emotional support.
Page updated 10 February 2025