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Climate change

  • Rasal and her mum arrive in Moria camp in Lesvos, Greece

    Rasal and her mum arrive in Moria camp in Lesvos, Greece. Photo: Karin Schermbrucker/ActionAid

    Refugee and displacement crises

    Posted 3 July 2017

    Find out about refugee crises and displacement crises around the world. How many displaced people and refugees are there around the world - and how to help.

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  • Saafi is currently living in the Giro-Sumo IDP camp in Somaliland with her young daughter

    Food crisis in East Africa 2017-2023

    Posted 10 March 2017

    Facts and figures about the food crisis in East Africa. Find out what is happening in East Africa right now, and how ActionAid is working to avert hunger and famine in East Africa.

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  • Ifra can't produce enough breastmilk because she has not had any food herself. Her eight-month old baby is now at risk of malnutrition.

    Ifra can't produce enough breastmilk because she has not had any food herself. Her eight-month old baby is now at risk of malnutrition. . Photo: Ashley Hamer /ActionAid


    Posted 1 March 2017

    Famine and food crises threaten the lives of millions. What are the causes and the countries most affected?

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  • Gangala is from a fishing community in Andra Pradesh, India, which has been supported with tools and training from ActionAid. Photo: ActionAid

    Food security and sustainable livelihoods

    Posted 20 September 2016

    ActionAid's work on food security and sustainable livelihoods. Learn more about food insecurity and how we support training for sustainable livelihoods.

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  • Malyuun fears for her three-year-old daughter, Nimo. . Photo: ,Jennifer Huxta/Actionaid

    Hunger hurts: mothers struggle to feed their children

    Posted in Blog on 15 April 2016

    Climate change and the El Niño weather phenomenon mean that families already living on the margins of survival are struggling to grow or buy the food they desperately need. In Somaliland, drought is causing harvests to fail and turning fields to dust. In Bangladesh, flooding rivers and rising seas are swamping crops and robbing people of their livelihoods. We're working to support the most vulnerable - but we need your help.

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